I was asked whether I still promote water enhancement technology called vortex generators, and the answer is yes indeed. Started The President Water Company in 2015, with my partner Jody Spencer. He resides in WA, Western Australia, and I am in the Pacific Northwestern state of Washington (WA). In 2015, Jody and I exhibited at Field Days, a major farm show in New Zealand, which was a great experience.
I will share a few pictures from that experience. It was great because I gained first-hand knowledge of how productive partnerships work.

I was working with others and primarily doing what I’ve always done: gather, document, and share information. The experiences gained in the process, became knowledge. Our society today considers “curated information” as knowledge. Yet, if it hasn’t been “hardened” through experience, it is simply opinions that may be, but often are not true.
The “curators” of said information have their own motivations and biases, which are most often personal or professional in scope.

I had witnessed enough, read enough, and processed enough information to begin seeing that vortexing was desirable, useful, and definitely beneficial, but it took years to really see, know, and explain why. It was never my intention to “sell” vortex generators in the “product” and “competition” sense. My intention was, and is to provide enough information, connecting enough dots, for you to know for yourself why this apparatus should be used whenever and wherever life and processes depend on water.
The actual need for vortex generators far surpasses the present awareness of that need.

Though there was great interest, it was still a foreign concept for most, as it remains to this day, though less so.

Imagine my surprise to meet one of my blog subscribers! She read that I was coming to New Zealand and dropped by to say hello!

After I returned home, I attempted to see if my now previous partner were willing to make some adjustments in the attention and energy he devoted to the endeavor. When that willingness wasn’t forthcoming, we parted ways.
Jody located a fabricator near him and approached them with our designs. We made some changes to the product, particularly in materials, such as the full stainless steel enclosure. The previous design had a piece of steel tubing over a PVC body. We also made other changes to enhance performance, then proceeded to expand the range. The website is presidentwater.co.
It was an amazing, unforgettable experience for me though. I’d say that the very best memory of my visit to New Zealand for Field Days, was working with Jody and Lee, and seeing how interactions between business associates can and should be. I left New Zealand not only wanting it, but having it.
Thank you for being an integral part of my journey. In fact, in putting this post together I discovered much of my “history” and travels over the past few years, which will be featured in future posts on this, and other subjects